Bug Hunting week 🐛 Can you find a bug ?!

Challenges, Learnings & a Bit of News from the Builders of Quivr.app

Building with GenAI

Challenges, Learnings & a Bit of News from the Builders of Quivr.app

New features and learnings from the team at Quivr and news from across the exciting world of Generative AI.

Bug hunting week !

Weekly Updates - Bug Hunting & More

We revamped the UI with the Studio

  • You now have access to the Studio where you can manage your brains & knowledge

Studio Page

  • We improved the User Page

User Page

  • Each pages now have quick access buttons to your favorite actions

Chat Page Buttons

  • You now see clearly to which brain you are talking

Chat Input

  • The algorithm has been improved

    • We improved our algorithm to give you 25% more accurate answers!

    • We have updated to the latest LLM models available for faster & better response

We went bug hunting:

  • Prompts can now be deleted

  • Public brains don’t appear in your queries

  •  Sources appear way faster

  • Mobile UI has been improved

  • And many more!

We made some decisions:

  • By default a brain is private, you can’t make it public anymore. You can however share it with your team.

  • We removed the related brains sections.

If you find a bug, please open an issue on GitHub & we’ll contact you for one month free on Quivr 😘

Demo: Quivr.app - Source Code: GitHub

News from the World of Gen AI

  • 🎉 OpenAI released new models (gpt-4-0125-preview & gpt-3.5-turbo-0125). These models are better & more efficient. We made them accessible in Quivr.

  • OpenAI released a better embedding model which allows you to choose the embedding dimensions 🔥

  • Langchain released a new version of Langsmith that lets you see how much each request cost.

Did you know you can chat with 150 pages long documents

Quivr is backed by YCombinator.

Jump over to Quivr to chat with your second brain for free 🧐 Head to GitHub for the code and give the repo a star ⭐️ while you’re there 🙏