Quivr is now backed by YCombinator!

Challenges, Learnings & a Bit of News from the Builders of Quivr.app

Building with GenAI

Challenges, Learnings & a Bit of News from the Builders of Quivr.app

New features and learnings from the team at Quivr and news from across the exciting world of Generative AI.

Last week at Quivr

Quivr is now backed by YCombinator.

Webapp: Quivr.app - Source Code: GitHub

Quivr has a new home page 🔥

Weekly Updates

  • Introduced a new shortcut! CMD + K opens the search modal from anywhere

  • Improved Quivr’s theme by merging light & dark theme

  • Quivr is now 4 times smarter. The quality of the response has been increased as we improved the algorithm.

  • Revamped the chat interface

  • Added related brains to the Chatpage

  • Quivr now displays the answer’s sources !

  • New Menu !

  • Bug Fix: Brain deletion now redirects to brain management page

  • Bug Fix: Backend tests are now working again - to avoid new bugs 😜

  • Stabilisation of Chat Endpoint & performance improvements by reducing number of API calls. (performance)

Jump over to Quivr to chat with your second brain for free 🧐 Head to GitHub for the code and give the repo a star ⭐️ while you’re there 🙏

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News from YCombinator W24 Batchmates

  • Vectorview is an analytics tool for LLM apps and we just launched self-serve functionality to allow for onboarding without annoying meetings.

If you like Quivr and you want to build GenAI-powered apps for yourself or your company, feel free to get in touch.