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Building with GenAI

Challenges, Learnings & a Bit of News from the Builders of

New features and learnings from the team at Quivr and news from across the exciting world of Generative AI.

Weekly Updates

  • Brains Usage Analytics

    • You can now visualize the activity of your brains through an analytics feature.

    • Choose a specific brain to analyse or visualise data of all your brains.

  • Complete Onboarding

    • Let Quivr guide you step by step to create your first brain!

What’s next?

  • Quivr Assistants feature is cooking!

    • Quivr will offer a new format of brains: the assistants.

    • They will allow, from specific inputs, to generate usable outputs.

    • For example, you will be able to get

      • a summary of a document

      • a transcription of audio,

      • a translation,

      • and much more.

  • If you find a bug, please open an issue on GitHub & we’ll contact you for one month free on Quivr 😘

Demo: - Source Code: GitHub