I bet you'll unsubscribe from ChatGPT 😜

Challenges, Learnings & a Bit of News from the Builders of Quivr.app

Building with GenAI

Challenges, Learnings & a Bit of News from the Builders of Quivr.app

New features and learnings from the team at Quivr and news from across the exciting world of Generative AI.

Weekly Updates

  • You can now create & use Integrations in Quivr πŸ”₯

    • GPT4 is now a custom brain (no need to subscribe to ChatGPT anymore)

    • Notion cooking

    • SQL cooking

    • Excel cooking

    • Lawyer specialized brain cooking (we ingested 10GB of PDFs for a client)

Thanks to the 5 new contributors on the Open source project

If you find a bug, please open an issue on GitHub & we’ll contact you for one month free on Quivr 😘

Demo: Quivr.app - Source Code: GitHub

They talk about us

  • A16Z featured Quivr as one of the top 20 AI Agent Assistant in the world

Jump over to Quivr to chat with your second brain for free 🧐 Head to GitHub for the code and give the repo a star ⭐️ while you’re there πŸ™